2024 Urban Arts Tour Artist Profiles

Heather Munsie

Tour Location: Stop 20 - 463 Constance Ave.

Artist Bio

I am always searching for inspiring and paintable scenes when Iā€™m outdoors. There is a pattern to the scenes I feel compelled to paint: the rugged landscapes are complex and there is usually something uniquely beautiful about a specific spot. I spend time deeply observing the scene and taking many reference photos. Occasionally, I will paint a small study on location if I am out with my portable easel.

When in my studio located in Victoria BC, I carefully study my references and think about how I want to compose a painting such that the viewer can feel the energy of the landscape. As I start to paint, I focus on the overall patterns naturally created in the landscape and transition to more detailed brushwork to showcase subtle details. I paint in a realistic style and use oil paint as a medium.

