ECAH is a community-funded and primarily volunteer-run arts organization dedicated to providing low barrier, accessible and inclusive arts opportunities for everyone.
At ECAH, we believe that the arts are a foundational piece of a thriving community. Art enhances public space, offers transformative experiences, and can serve as a unifier of diverse populations.
We are a B.C.-incorporated non-profit society and are overseen by a volunteer board of directors. Our programs are generously funded through local granting agencies, community donations, and our Membership Program.
Our Values.
ECAH’s values are expressed through six different big-ticket words.
These six words: Community, Amplify, Accessible, Authentic, Personal Growth and Mentorship aren’t just fluffy terms that score us brownie points - they flow directly into our actionable goals, strategies and tactics.
We use these values to help shape our programs and decisions - check out our graphic below!
Our Vision.
For our long-term vision, we’re focused on looking outwards to our community and looking inwards to our organization.
Community, Accessible, Authentic
To build the reputation of Esquimalt as a trendy arts hub and serve as a destination for visitors, locals, and newcomers.
To serve as an arts leader within the Capital Regional District and South Vancouver Island.
To contribute to the local artist and artisan economy, and contribute to a thriving downtown core.
To help animate the public realm through public artworks and events.
To create exhibits, programs, and events that are inclusive to all people.
Amplify, Mentorship, Personal Growth
To act as a platform, resource centre, and incubator for avant-garde ideas, concepts and methodologies.
To encourage and amplify artistic voices, and to reduce barriers to access for tools and resources.
To develop educational programming that supports and inspires amateur and professional artists.
To leverage stakeholder partnerships to increase capacity and reach for all.