Parental Consent and Waiver of Liability – Indemnity Agreement


Please review the following Parental Consent and Waiver of Liability – Indemnity Agreement prior to your child’s participation in ECAH activities.

I, the parent or legal guardian of ____________________________ (hereinafter, my “Child”), understand that I am solely responsible for the delivery and the pickup of my Child at the ECAH facility located at 901 Esquimalt Road.

I agree that ECAH assumes no responsibility for the supervision of my Child at times other than during the class sessions.

I hereby waive and release any right I may have or acquire to make a claim against or attach the property of ECAH or any of its members, employees, or agents for monetary damages caused by injury to my Child or damage to the property of my Child or myself arising from my Child’s participation in the activities and use of the facilities and property of ECAH.

I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware the agreement includes a waiver of liability and indemnity agreement.

 Consent Form for Arts Based Method 1: The MURAL wall

By signing this form, I agree that I am over the age of 19 and have read the information letter for this study. My signature states that I am giving voluntary and

informed consent to participate in this project and have the data I contribute used in the final report and any other knowledge outputs (articles, conference presentations, newsletters, etc.). If I am under 18, my parent or guardian has also reviewed the information letter for this study and their signature below gives consent for me to participate in this study.

Please review the following statements and check each box:
I acknowledge that I own the creative products and written insights I develop in this research and I give consent for my creative products to be shared in this research

I acknowledge that my name and any other identifying information (e.g. age, gender) will not be attributed to my creative products and written insights unless I include them on the Mural platform.

I agree not to delete the contributions of others in the Mural platform.