DIY Vision Boards Workshop
Facilitated by Carrie Ly!
What would be on your vision board? Let’s found out with DIY vision board workshop!
Join us for a 2-hour workshop where you will learn fun ways to make your own vision board. Collage, draw, paint your vision into reality with the workshop facilitator Carrie Ly!
Carrie is from the vibrant community of Esquimalt, she is not just an artist but a multifaceted creative. With a keen eye for blending artistry with marketing savvy, she navigates the realms of creativity and commerce. Her passion for nature infuses within her work - drawing inspiration from the beauty and wonder from life on the island!
Supplies will be provided, but bring anything from home you want to include on your vision board!! This is after all YOUR vision.
When: Wednesday, May 15th, 6pm - 8pm
Where: Esquimalt Rec Center, Senior Center
Ages: Teens and up
Fee: PWYC $5-$10